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Perma ‘Culture Night’ on the Canal – Third Space Galway

Perma ‘Culture Night’ on the Canal

Friday September 22nd – 6-8pm Galway Culture Night

Third Space Galway wish to extend a warm invitation to everyone to Galways first PermaCulture Night on the Canal on Friday, September 22nd from 6-8 p.m.

Culture Night is an annual all-island public event that celebrates culture, creativity and the arts, and we are delighted to launch the new Galway Canal PermaCulture Trail, as part of the evening’s festivities, which will be centred at Parkavara, along the canal…. commencing with an ‘Experiential Ecology Walk’ guided by ecogolist Joe Quilty, offering the chance to connect with place, the earth, ourselves, and each other.

Following the walk there will be a talk led by Eimhin David Callahan, co-founder of the Food Commons at Birr Community Growery, commencing around 7:00pm, and joined with Celia Graebner, gardener and biodiversity advisor on the National  Pollinator Plan. 

Other evening highlights will include a choral performance by Galway’s renown climate change activists, Singing for Our Planet, while funambulist Chrissi will offer several slack rope dance performances over the course of the evening.

Other attendees will include Third Space Galway artists, Elodie Rein, Roisin Ni Fhaolain, and Project Coordinator Martina Finn to share in their work approach and ethos embracing biodiversity, sustainability, and social justice.in the creation of the Permaculture Edible Cities and Canal Project; alongside key project supporters, Niall Warde, graphic designer and founder of Teanga Designs and Third Space volunteers Eduardo Salcido, Dave Joyce, Megan Bromley, Helen Roberts, Keith Ryan.

The Canal Permaculture Trail is a new heritage garden, food commons and community food growing project initiated by Third Space Galway, a participatory arts and environment project dedicated to connecting contemporary creative practice with sustainable community initiatives. Our PermaCulture Night event is a festive evening that celebrates the growing efforts to shift our food system away from a toxic, corporate-controlled model and back to a regenerative system that can heal the soil, sequester carbon, and feed our communities.

We wish to promote a move towards a more life sustaining culture inspired by nature. Initiating this creative canal platform the aims are to reimagine this transient space into an active, attractive and green cultural destination, a place to be rather than just traverse through, and a nature based city centre space to relax, unwind, and restore, while creating greater awareness of local sustainable community food systems.

The Canal Food Commons and Permaculture Trail was designed by Third Space Galway, in partnership with Galway Tidy Towns, as part of this years local action addressing cultural and climate change, sustainability, carbon emissions and food security;

and made possible with support from Let’s Get Growing Galway, Galway City Partnership, HSE, Galway City Council, Galway County Council, Conservation Volunteers Galway, GRETB, Cultivate, Post Carbon Galway, NYCI, Westside Youth Project, Irish Seed Savers Association, Aitor Cullinan, Fuiseog Farm, Future Forests, Galway Volunteer Centre and the many volunteers and supporters from the local Galway community.

Please come along and spread the word; bigi linn & scaipigi sceala!

‘In joy we dance together.

Passion at heart equilibrates magic.

Balance performs the extremes as the mediocre.

For numerous years young and old join a marvellous experience beyond their imagination.

Practice makes our dreams a reality.’


For further information please contact thirdspacegalway@gmail.com

This event also takes place in collaboration with Convergence 2017 and the European Sustainable Communities Initiative – www.cultivate.ie and http://www.ecolise.eu

Culture Night is brought to you by the Department of  Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Creative Ireland Programme in partnership with Galway County Council. 

An Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta a dhéanann comhordú ar an Oíche Chultúir, i gcomhpháirt le Comhairle Chontae na Gaillimhe.

By creating these projects in the public space, the Communities of Galway are encouraged to think about sustainable living, climate change, food sovereignty and agroecological issues.


New ‘permaculture trail’ to transform canal bank plots