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Post Carbon Galway – Third Space Galway

Post Carbon Galway

Post Carbon Galway

Post Carbon Galway was a pilot transsectoral platform with the aims to accelerate a local pathway to a sustainable, healthier, low carbon Galway.

We aimed to work collaboratively in setting ambitious and achievable targets to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, diversion from fossil fuels, community health and well being and to promote sustainable development in Galway City and County.

Leading the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable way of life, the collaboration aimed to be an all-inclusive partnership approach, which provides information and analysis on climate change, energy scarcity, environmental protection, food sovereignty and other issues relating to sustainability and long term community resilience, as a model and national template for communities elsewhere.

This project proposed a cooperative approach to the development to a low carbon era for Galway learning to live and enjoy life without compromising future generations. While Climate Change is seen as the main focus, we recognised the plans and solutions proposed needed to be cognisant of the wider picture on biodiversity, growth versus sustainable economy and human and community well being, that would enable a sustained, citizen-led engagement.

We aimed to work on new ways to educate and inspire our communities about how we could collectively respond to these challenges and re-imagine our world; through arts, culture, education, community resilience, green energy, local food production, eco tourism, community participation, co-operatives and sustainable living.

