Making Visible

April 7th 2014

THIRD SPACE participated in a series of discussions that took place as part of Ceara Conway’s ‘Making Visible’ art project with Asylum Seekers in 126 Gallery Galway.

Socially Engaged Artist Ceara Conway, invited a number of practitioners including THIRD SPACE Arts Research Collective to participate in the discursive aspect of her socially engaged art project, MAKING VISIBLE which entailed a series of discussions and knowledge sharing that aimed to highlight and Make Visible the current Direct Provision system in Ireland and to bring to light the suffering of Asylum Seekers living within this system.

DAY 1 Senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh gives Political account on the current situation of the Direct Provision system.

making_visible_Feature1DAY 2 Socially Engaged Artist Ceara Conway invited THIRD SPACE Arts Research Collective to participate in the discursive event  “Representing Testimony in Contemporary Art” which  included guests Dr Aine Phillips and Dr Rebecca Breen.

Drawing upon the old Irish tradition of “Caoineadh”, a vocal lament associated with mourning, Ceara created a series of ritual performances that were informed by her time engaging with “Able Women”, a group of women who are currently seeking asylum and living in Galway. In the series of performances each woman had chosen a lament from their own country and a location in Galway City where they wished to have it performed. The location and lament they had chosen was pertinent to a personal aspect of their experiences living within the direct provision service in Galway. Following these off site performances in the City, Ceara held a 2 week Vigil and discursive event in 126. For more information – please visit Ceara Conway Making Visible